Saturday, March 8, 2008

adventure at the lake.

so it is a freezing saturday morning, and team gL heads to a 'retreat' for the day around green bay, wisconsin. imagine our delight as we find there is a lake that is completely frozen over. this, of course, is the result.

please enjoy.

filipe, i think we all hope that your miniscus is not torn.

love and miss you all,
team gL.


Andrea said...

haha this actually kind of makes me miss Wisconsin.

and you guys of course.

Andi said...

playing on frozen lake holds nothing to running across the Minnesota/North Dakota state line on a half frozen river with about a foot of snow covering it's mysterious icey top.

Actually, it was really stupid of us.

east coast roadies said...


good lordy lord i miss you guys! come back to me!

we're in pittsburgh. word on the street here is that YOU SUCK AND THEY NEVER WANT YOU BACK...just kidding they talk about you guys all the time!

east coast roadies said...

east coast roadies means michelle. because i'm the only one that uses this...uh....yeah...

Anonymous said...

You've given me hope for the tundra