Sunday, September 7, 2008

like taking candy from a baby

We (gulf coast and tejas) had our Austin premier tonight and it was killer!!! Just a little background on this screening, the original venue canceled on us two days before so we went to Dominican Joes (coffee shop) and asked if we could host a screening and they agreed.

We set up the screening and after the first one demand was so high we played GO again!! There were a total of 145 people and we sold $2000 dollars of goods. I hate to toot our own horn, but it was baller.

We had awesome stories too, there were two people who were just there to drink coffee, stayed and said "I want every DVD you have!" There were countless stories like this.

Anyfart, we all are ridiculously stoked about tour and meeting more amazing people.

Best Story So Far - "GO! made me feel just like I did after the Rough Cut"

Gulf Coast/Tejas


Collin Sansom said...

Heck Ya!

You met my best friend Ryan!

So stoked for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Le-freaking-git! you guys are truly showing something that rivals the Rough Cut in my opinion...I can't wait to hear more stories like this!