Monday, September 22, 2008

Not a goodbye...

So, I’ve basically spent the past couple hours searching through quotes and lyrics, trying to come up with something inspiring and thoughtful to say. Something that I thought would make my decisions seem more profound. But, honestly, there is not much that I can find to say.
I am going home not because I am scared, or I don’t get along with my team, or even because I don’t like the job. All of those things couldn’t be further from the truth. In the past month and a half, Invisible Children has come to be such a big part of my life, and has come to occupy a very special place in my heart. The job is more than rewarding, and the people that I met while on tour were some of the most incredible people that I could ever hope to meet. And what’s even better is that all of these people that I have come into contact in the past 6 weeks all have a heart and a mind for the exact same thing. All of you, and all of the people that I met on the road, hope that the best in people can and will be revealed, especially when working for peace and justice.
I could ramble for hours. I am leaving because it has become more than clear that I need to be at home right now, and there is nothing else that I can do than adhere to that need. Please, feel free to talk to me more about this. I hope that I don’t sound shady or secretive. I simply don’t want to ramble on.
What I want to say most, is that I will miss you all. I will miss the adventure, and the people on the road. I will miss our spastic van, “The Lady”, our Australian GPS Karen, all of the ants back at the Roadie house, and my fake “coffee-house-like” office in the middle of a warehouse. I will miss Wallis Watkins, Cameron Woodward, and Bethany Bylsma. But, I feel as though they know that. I feel like we became friends in the first few minutes of knowing each other, and I can only hope that our friendship wont end here. And, I hope the same for all of you too. I understand that it may seem strange or awkward to try and keep in touch right now, but I truly hope that we will all find a way to do so. I’ve added my contact info, so you better use it.
Stay safe on the road, and never forget to enjoy your time there. Take risks, keep eating Taco Bell, and keep changing the world. I love you all more than you could ever imagine.

Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends. ~Richard Bach

Sorry, I can’t resist quotations. I really like this one.
Deep Peace,

Jonathan Webb
721 Fairview Street
Jackson, MS 39212


Bethany Bylsma said...

Webb-star of my heart...
We love you...even now. We miss you. Lady hiccups when she thinks about you and Lauren drives on the shoulder of the road, just for you.
We sing "all you need is love" with bananas in our mouth, and I slept with your pillow last night. I don't think we're going to send it back to you. It smells horrible, just like you.
Godspeed friend.

Pat said...

My dearest Webb. words cannot describe how deeply i will be missing you and our questionable acts of showing affection for one another. my deepest wish is that some day, some way, we will cross paths again because you lit my path so well, it is slightly dimmer now that you are gone. HUG HUG.

I miss and love you dear friend,


ccushing said...

This is from Pac Attack:

Jamie- Webster, this is really hard for me to say but as a man, I love you as another man. You will be dearly missed but you'll always have a place in my heart. Love ya! This is more of a "see ya lata!" than a "good bye!"

P.S. Along with every thing else, I'm going to miss getting the crap scared out of me by your driving!

Chief- Keep rockin' that heavenly bod, and doin' your sassy thang.I will definitely miss you and I can't wait to see you again.

Colleen- I wish that I had another month to get to know you. You are so funny! Your dance moves are crazy and so is your driving with no hands. Keep driving like that!

Claire- Webb, our house is going to be missing something without your quirkiness! You've left your permanent mark in the office with your awesome painting skills and thank goodness for that. Please take care and you will be sorely missed by more than 50 people!!

PNW a.k.a. the most awkward team ever/best family sitcom team ever!

WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RebeccaWillis said...

I'm going to miss you Webb. Keep in touch love.