Wednesday, September 24, 2008


One incredible and unexplainable phenomenon about tour: One day feels like years. Although this epistemic particular does not correspond with the parameters of the contingent universe in which we currently live. The road changes things, even physics.

I am finding that life on the road is honest, humble, egalitarian, and incredibly valuable. Despite long hours, loved teammates leaving, loading and unloading boxes; the road fosters community and births independence.

I am amazed that people, by the thousands, care. I am convinced, that humanity has a longing for justice and is searching for her.

Man is knocking, we are answering.

On a slightly lesser level than a Cameron rant, Bethany with Jeff Foxworthy.


Aditya Sachan said...

well said. and well done y'all.

i'm so glad you all got so close to each other. what you have started in these past few weeks, among yourselves and with those who you meet on the road, will never end or die.

and i'm also glad that you get to hang out with palumbo. he's a good man. as good as they come.

Kelly said...

jeff foxworthy is the coolest.

and what ad said.